Macey Brown

Dairy Consultant, Data Analyst


Macey grew up around livestock and earned a BS in Animal Science from Texas A&M University in 2021. Macey joined the DNMC team full time in May 2021. In this role, she is critical in the process of summarizing dairy performance data and communicating these reports to the DNMC team and clients. Macey leads the implementation of the DNMC Weekly Green Sheets, yearly trend analysis and year-over-year peer group comparisons.  Macey also serves DNMC clients with on-farm observations. As well, Macey leads DNMC’s work in the important area of dairy sustainability. Ag advocacy is also near and dear to Macey’s heart. Through various outlets, she promotes youth livestock programs, the dairy industry and agriculture in general. Macey, her husband Justin, and their daughter Ellie make their home in Happy, Texas.

Articles by Macey

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